Long Strange Trip
Running the Geek Movement has been a labor of love. That being said, I love doing it. Talking about issues and new content, is my...

Bview: “Jurassic World”
Hey folks, this Bview is a little late…givin I saw this film the night it released, Imax, 3d….but hey, who’s counting right? …What?...

Bview: "Splatoon"
Sweet calimari, I like this game!...I mean...*cough* ahem*...Hello, and welcome back to Geek Movement. If you're reading this, it means a...

Bview: “Mad Max:Fury Road”
Whoa! We have GOT to stop meeting like this. I mean, really…Aren’t you tired of reading my Bviews already?…No? Good! Have some more!!!!...

Bview: “ZombiU”
Yes, tis I, Ben! Yet again! Coming’ at cha with another “Bview”! Why so much umph you may or may not be wondering as you’re reading this?...

Bview: Metroid 2 & 4
Hey people, it’s me again! Here with another “Bview” This time on not one, but two video games! Oh boy! Even though the So if you’re not...
Bview :”The Avengers: Age Of Ultron”
Heya folks, Ben here again. I have just returned home from a long day of being out, enjoying my day off work annnnnd *drum roll* going to...
Bview: “Super Smash Brothers” (for the WiiU and 3/2DS)
Hello again, this is Ben! In this piece I’ll be touching on a video game series that I have found myself enjoying for many years now:...
Music Spotlight: Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas – no not the movie or book – it is a 6 member Japanese band formed back in 2008. They are known to use...