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Social Sites and the Like

Hey folks, Ben here. Finally got around to actually sitting down and typing something out. Being as strange and random as I am, I tend to do things in very odd ways, intentionally! So hopefully this piece will be both entertaining and insightful…ish…Prepare yourself, and geek out! So I thought that my first post should touch on what I’ve been somewhat of an introvert about: “Social Sites and The Like”. Which is funny because I’m kind of an introvert myself in real life and not just via online…kinda…

Very few know that I personally have not been on the very popular site “Facebook” for eons, and I only say(type -_-) “eons” because in comparison to the majority, anything over a couple months, much less a week, would be considered “eons”. One would think that after becoming a cast member of Geek Movement that I would be more prone to partake in the book of faces. Note: The Book of Faces=Facebook for those not familiar with my sense of…odd communication. Nope. That wasn’t the case at all. In fact only recently have I returned to Facebook land….depending on when you’re reading this…which in that case, “recently” means more like near the end of fall of 2014. So! What’s all this mean? Where am I getting at? What is the point of this article? Ha! Well it’s absolute folly. No reason at all. Thanks for reading…IF you’re reading!…good bye! No, seriously though…The reason is I’d like to share with anyone who may be reading this my thoughts on the matter. Thanks in advance for spending the time to take a look at this…You may notice that, instead of having a normal, well-typed, and organized piece such as our other cast members, namely Kat….my pieces have the ”typed-how-Ben-would-say-it” effect, random interruptions of nonsense, and even advertisement breaks about myself that no one likes or pays attention to…like watching Hulu. I’m much more at home with typing/writing, than I am with attempting to translate the spontaneous or disturbing thoughts that dwell in my mind, in English audibly….. I digress…abundantly….my thoughts on social sites and the like are as this: After not using popular sites and what not for so long, I noticed something that wasn’t there at the start of it, but grew into: That I actually liked it. At first I felt like I absolutely HAD to have these things…almost like the terror of not having wi-fi! 0_0 which is interesting in itself because I know many including myself that kinda freak out when having wi-fi issues. Personally I think that it’s a sure fire sign that if you freak out when wi-fi is messing up where you are(Unless work related), then you’ve been connected to “The System” for way too long, and its time to disconnect from it all for a bit. Another note: The System in this case would be the window to this world that we stare at for too long instead of maybe enjoying the view of the natural world from an actual window…Then again I guess it depends where ones window is, and if they even have a window. Some may look out and see beautiful scenery, while others see violence and drama…or even less, no home to have a window in the first place… Where was I?…Oh right…ahem* so….After the withdrawal from Facebook went away and I began to feel human again, I was able to not use it for a long, long time. A couple a months at max as a matter of fact, and I issue this challenge to any who take interest: How long can you stay off Facebook? Being that I was on the brink of even deleting my Facebook account because of the great feeling of not being on it…I also noticed the uselessness of other sites, or apps rather. I found myself posting less and less, and more returning to enjoying actual clouds and sun sets….until I was bit by the anime bug…now I’m another zombie, in this vast world of zombies. Walking among the many other zombies of different types. Maybe you are or know an anime zombie, or a movie zombie. A videogame or texting zombie…maybe even a sports zombie, or novel zombie. Either way…there are a bunch of zombies out here…and truly, this is the age of the walking dead..(another show I can’t stop watching o_O). It’s a bit scary if you think about it. Instead of normal conversations with others or interacting with real life, life…we…feast on different outlets. Even though being a part of Geek Movement isn’t really helping me make my point…I want to at least maybe send a sort of quiet little “voice” out there for anyone “listening”. Yes we involve the interwebs to even have something to do with what I have typed and what you are reading now…but the fact that such is now in the back of your mind is what this piece aims for. Did I delete my Facebook and other social media accounts after all? No…perhaps I wasn’t as “Free” as I thought I was?….but I’d like to both encourage and warn others to not get as “locked” in as I did…do?…and to aim to experience the great feeling of not “relying” on such things….IF you find yourself doing such. I’m sure there are many who can juggle both having a “normal” life, and inhaling large amounts of whatever it is you feast on…in my case it’s anime…and no, if someone challenged me to not watch anime for x amount of time I would not do it. What? Are you crazy!?..Pffft!…thats dumb!…Please help….

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