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Bview: "Splatoon"

Sweet calimari, I like this game!...I mean...*cough* ahem*...Hello, and welcome back to Geek Movement. If you're reading this, it means a few things. It means you know what you are about to get into when reading Geek Movement content. It means, you may or may not have heard of/read about/ dreamt of "Bviews" by me...Ben! Also it means that you did your homework today, by turning on, tuning in, and geeking out!...Which can be done in different ways!


Splatoon! Good stuff! I am up at crazy hours man...glad I'm off work tomorrow....or today rather...because it's 6:09 a.m. as I'm typing this (I looked at the time before the sentence was typed). Ridiculous! There isn't even that much content in the game for me to be up and playing it this late...early?

Well, at least not yet. Not sure what Nintendo has planned for it besides the Super Smash Bros. thing...

I wasn't going to download it...but...I did...and it's good stuff!

So shiny. Nothing too difficult. I mean c''s a shooter from Nintendo. Expect "kiddy" or "goofiness"...but what really adds to it's charm is the four versus four in the turf wars.

I admire the team work that players must put in, in order to succeed. Win or lose...things happen, which is also a plus.

You can upgrade gear, weapons, go on solo missions, and enjoy news updates from the strange Hi Hi Puffy Amiyumi Squid Sisters....who's real names I forget at the moment...but they remind me of Puffyamiyumi...

Kinda expected a bit more from multiplayer...but I can dig it. If it had the option I imagined, then no one would play as it was meant to play...So, thumbs up!

I'd say this game is "Inktastically Entertaining"! and suggest it be given a shot...or two...or a hundred....millions of colorful shots....

Might take a while to get use to the motion shooting. Or you can just plug in a different controller if you have it. Remember to take breaks kids. All battle and no play can make ya dull. Good thing they have a story mode...Turf wars are a <em>blast</em>...but after a while....yeah....

Also, I really like how the Miiverse post can be seen both in the lobby and on the battle field. Wonder when Sm4sh will release that Miiverse stage....

This has been another Bview...from the me...Ben....I need sleep now...Oyasumi sports fans...Turn on...tune in....geek....out....



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