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Bview: “Jurassic World”

Hey folks, this Bview is a little late…givin I saw this film the night it released, Imax, 3d….but hey, who’s counting right?

…What? You’re counting?…Well then! This is embarrassing……


…..SO! This movie is awesome. More so than I thought. I had been pumped to see it for awhile now and I would def say it’s worth while to see. Worth every zenny!

You’ll gasp, laugh, and even cheer! At least thats what the audience, including myself being the loudest, did in the screening room I was in when I saw it.

Also, I haven’t read the book myself but some of the folk I went with did and Jurassic World apparently was pretty on point. Little details that added to it’s flare that I would have never noticed…being that I’ve never read the books…but those who have will be pleased!

This film is great, go see it if you haven’t. You won’t be “Saury” you did bahaha….ahem*… No comment on part two and three of the previous installments XD…part one was classic, this new part four is amazing and “Dino-mite”! (okay that was horrible, I’m done.) Thats all I’ll leave ya with!

See ya!

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