Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Freebie

Look out all you hunters, Capcom has partnered with Nintendo for some ultimate free DLC. For the month of March there is free DLC in the form of some Zelda goodness. The pack includes some new weapons to slice and dice those monsters. Link's Hero armor, Hero's Sword, and Hero's Bow are all there but watch out there jot just free for you. There may be a hunt involved in order to craft this legendary items. In traditional fashion you need to collect pieces of the Triforce and defeat a nasty beasty to get the loot.
There is also 14 new quests, 11 new weapons, 4 complete armor sets, and 3 Fan Club pieces. It is a hunters dream and hopefully Capcom will include more free monthly DLC. It definitely does not hurt and adds more playability for the more casual gamers.