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Bview: “Mad Max:Fury Road”

Whoa! We have GOT to stop meeting like this. I mean, really…Aren’t you tired of reading my Bviews already?…No?

Good! Have some more!!!!

Hello again! This is Ben! This time, I’ve just returned from my local theater after viewing the 2015 version of the Mad Max film…Mad Max: Fury Road!

I liked it! Not for the faint of heart of though…it can get pretty crazy…ormaddening rather XD

It’s rated R for a reason folks. Depending on the situation, I’d watch it again sure. Explosively adventurous. Entertainingly violent…for the most part…there are some shock factors in there.

You’ll be shocked, you’ll be entertained, and you’ll even laugh at times. Not that it will spoil the movie, but my favorite character is the one I’ve dubbed “The Guitar Hero”….

I found the use of fade in’s and outs artistically interesting. Not really seen that much in more recent films this day and age….but lets not get technical, just a worthy mentionable…

Oh! and the music selection was pretty good too I’d say.

Over all, I’d say it was a pretty good flick, and that it was “Entertainingly Mad“…….

….yes….yes I did…you can’t unread it!

Go see it! Wait till it hits Netflix! Rent it? Buy it! Either way, watch it! I might check out the former Mad Max film out of curiosity…but who knows? If I do, I’ll have to let you folks know what I think and type my two pennies…so you can keep them..or take them to the bank…the green place……

That’s all for now, thanks again for reading! Turn on, tune in, and geek out!

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