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Bview :”The Avengers: Age Of Ultron”

Heya folks, Ben here again. I have just returned home from a long day of being out, enjoying my day off work annnnnd *drum roll* going to watch the wonderful three-hour long film titled: “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” Yaaaaay! Not bragging, but I was able to see it earlier than most(4/30-7:30p.m.)….as many by now have seen it anyhow XD

Fear not! I am totally anti-spoiler. So there is nothing to worry about when reading this review…or “Bview” rather…lul….get it?…because it’s “B” for my name….and the word…re….view…and….um….Nevermind!

IF any of you lovely readers do feel that you have indeed read a “spoiler” anywhere here, then please let us know. Otherwise, you can trust meh *Orbit Gum Smile and wink*

SO! That being typed…this won’t be long, because that would very well then put you at risk. First of all, this movie was awesome. I definitely recommend going to see it, owning it, and even watching it multiple times…eh, for me that’s probably a max of three. Even if a movie is really good, I don’t usually watch such greatness over and over and over again, especially when it’s that long of a feature. Not sure about anyone else.

Anyway, the action is great, the fights are great, the lines are even funnier than the last Avengers that came out. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll even say “Awwww”. Despite the fact that I only did one out of those three, surely all who view it will at least think of doing such…maybe not that last one…. I myself am not a huge Marvel fan, but I really enjoyed the little hidden extras all throughout this film, and highly anticipate what all of these marvelous Marvel movies are leading up to. Watch it with friends, family, foes…just watch it! Maybe not with little children? I mean…if one is not a big fan of swearing, you might hear a couple. Needed? Meh…but tasteful none the less. All in all, I give it 4 stars out of 5. Why 4 stars? Well….this answer and more can be answered if fine folks like you leave questions, comments, concerns, or anything else for that matter on this or any other article you read here @Geek Movement!

That’s all I’m going to leave ya with for now. Don’t forget to turn on, tune in, and geek out!

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